Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Don't be a fashion victim (Men's Fashion Victim that is)

When it comes to fashion and style, we men are kinda like women. We all want to look good, to feel good about ourselves so that we can feel confident and assured when we face our colleagues, friends and even loved ones (even though we don't want to admit this insecurity sometimes).

And like women, when we start to feel conscious about how we look, we start experimenting with various looks... ... and that's where the trouble starts. Like all learning curves, we usually start with mistakes, I remember I used to wear sport sandals with socks, thinking it was a unique look. And in Singapore's really hot (average of 32 degrees celcius) and humid (tropical climate)weather, I even wore layers!

I did wish I had a 'consultant' to help me with this, but I'd never admit it publicly though!

The problems that did not allow me to dress appropriately were the following:

1) Lack of self confidence and identity
2) Perceived lack of money (we'll be going into this in later posts- looking good does not require much money)
3) Desire to look like people in the entertainment business (Will also post about this later)

So in the following years, through a series of trial and error, I finally was able to settle on styles that I was comfortable with and looked good on me.

In the upcoming posts I will elaborate on my lessons learnt and give suggestions on how you can look good with little effort.



P.S. Like what you see so far, do drop me a comment and if you need personalize suggestions, do leave me an email.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Truth about Men's Fashion and Guys Looking Good

Tired of all the rules the ‘fashion experts’ throw at you?

Tired of feeling the need to keep up with the latest trends?

Worried that your dated look is costing you in at work and at socials?

Well, help is here!

Here you’ll find easy to follow and down to earth suggestions that will have you looking trendy and confident. No ‘fashionista’ advice commanding you to wear this ‘season’s latest colours’ nor will directions to the latest fashion that will cost an arm and a leg.

Here we only spoon out men’s fashion for the everyday bloke who wants to look good without too much fuss. We also will go through some basic styling tips for the guys who don’t have a clue where to start.

In short we’re not the fashion police; we’re the fashion boy scouts.

I hope to you enjoy!

Sincerely EMS

P.S. If you really do enjoy the content in this blog, do leave comments!